
The DMV will not renew my driver license because I owe past-due child support. What does the DMV have to do with child support? 150 150 Child Support Services

The DMV will not renew my driver license because I owe past-due child support. What does the DMV have to do with child support?

California licensing boards, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles, are required to work with the California Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) to enforce delinquent child support orders. When a Person Paying Support (PPS) does not pay support as ordered, DCSS reports his or her name to the State Licensing Match System (SLMS). The SLMS program requires licensing boards to deny,…

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What will happen if I do not pay the full amount of my support payments on time? 150 150 Child Support Services

What will happen if I do not pay the full amount of my support payments on time?

By law, you will owe interest on your unpaid balance at the rate of 10 percent (10%) per year. In addition, we may: Suspend your driver and other licenses, including professional licenses Report your delinquency to credit reporting agencies Intercept your federal and state tax refunds Attach your bank accounts Deny a passport application For information about your specific case, please Contact Us.

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