
Frequently Asked Questions

An employer may send support payments by Electronic Funds Transfer, through Bulk-File Upload or by check.

Mail payments by check to:  State Disbursement Unit, P. O. Box 989067, West Sacramento, CA 95798-9067. If you have more than one employee with a child support order, the payments may be combined into a single check. Regardless of the number of employees, remember to include the following information for EACH employee:

  • Name
  • Child Support Enforcement (CSE) case number if known; or legal case number if CSE case number unknown
  • Social Security Number
  • Date money withheld (pay date)
  • Amount withheld
  • Company contact name and phone number

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In most cases, the law requires the employer to take child support payments directly from the paycheck of the employee.

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Generally, a wage assignment is a court order directing the employer to take money out of the employee’s paycheck. The law allows local child support agencies to use a federal form called an Income Withholding Order/Notice for Support (IWO) that does not require a judicial officer's signature.

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Within 10 days of receiving an Income Withholding Order/Notice for Support (IWO), an employer must begin the process of deducting support payments from an employee’s paycheck and give the employee:

  • A copy of the IWO
  • A blank Request for Hearing Regarding Earnings Assignment

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Yes. The total amount that an employer can deduct from an employee’s paycheck is one-half (50%) of the employee’s net disposable earnings.

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You should review your records and files to see if you received an Income Withholding Order/Notice for Support (IWO) from a government child support agency. If the employee's case is not being enforced by a local child support agency (LCSA), the you may receive a different type of wage assignment, e.g., an earnings assignment order signed by a judicial officer. The employee may have a copy.

If the employee confirms that the case is being enforced by an LCSA and you did not receive an IWO, you should Contact Us.

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Generally, we will call the employer and request that the support be deducted from the employee’s paycheck and sent to the State Disbursement Unit, as directed by the Income Withholding Order/Notice for Support (IWO). If the employer fails to deduct and remit the support, we will send the employer a written request. If the employer still fails to deduct support, we may pursue legal remedies such as filing contempt proceedings against the employer. An employer can be liable for the amount of child support that was not withheld plus penalties.

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Under California law, the court can order the noncustodial parent, the custodial party, or both to provide health insurance (medical, dental, and vision) for the child if it is available at no cost or at a reasonable cost. The law assumes that the cost of health insurance is reasonable if the cost for the child(ren) is not more than five percent (5%) of the obligor's gross income. An order to provide health insurance is in addition to the amount of basic cash child support that the court orders the noncustodial parent to pay. In addition, the court may order an amount for cash medical support to cover medical expenses that are not covered by insurance.

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Health insurance coverage includes insurance to cover medical, dental and vision care.

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You should notify us immediately that you do not offer health insurance coverage.

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You should notify us immediately that the employee is not eligible for health insurance coverage.

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