Going to Court

On the Court Date

Checking in:

If your case is set for hearing at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse, and you did not request to appear by telephone, you should know:

  • Hearings are scheduled for 8:30 am, 10:30am and 1:30pm  Pacific Standard Time.
  • Please check in with the bailiff or court clerk as soon as you arrive.
  • If you have an attorney helping you with your child support case, please tell the bailiff or court clerk.
  • If you are worried about your personal safety on the court date, please be sure to tell the bailiff.  Also please bring  a copy of any restraining order, police report or other documentation of the domestic violence situation.
  • If you have not already completed your Income and Expense Declaration, please do so while you wait for the court to call your case.
  • Ex-parte Applications:  Check in with the bailiff or court clerk.

Please be on time -  if you arrive late, your case may be delayed, or the court may have the hearing and make orders without you.

Wait times will vary. How long you have to wait depends on several factors, including the number of cases on calendar that day, whether one or both parents have appeared on your case, and the complexity of the issues. 

The court may not be able to hear your case until the end of the day, so please plan your schedule accordingly.

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