Going to Court

Generally, if you are notified to come to court for a hearing, you or your attorney must appear on that date. If you cannot attend or need to reschedule, you may request that the court continue (postpone) the hearing to another date. The court may grant the request if it decides that there is “good cause” for the continuance. The CSSD cannot continue a case or promise that the court will agree to continue a case.

You can contact our Customer Contact Center at (866) 901-3212 or the Superior Court General Information line at (213) 351-7500 to ask that a CSSD attorney request a continuance on your behalf or you can call the court clerk in the courtroom where your case is assigned. You can find the courtroom department on your court paperwork.

Department Number at MoskPhone NumberRoom Number at Mosk
Dept 8 (213) 633-0523 245
Dept 33 (213) 351-7533 409
Dept 46(213) 351-7503500
Dept 41(213) 351-7504417
Dept 60(213) 351-7534518
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