Electronic Income Withholding Orders

To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Incoming Withholding Order (IWO) process, California now offers an Electronic Income Withholding Order (e-IWO) option to participating employers, at no cost to you.

The federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE), in partnership with the states, employers, and payroll-related organizations, developed and maintains a centralized Internet "Portal" that enables states and employers to easily and securely exchange e-IWO documents and files.

Benefits to you include:

  • Reduced administrative expenditures, e.g., paper, postage
  • Reduced processing and handling costs
  • Improved communication
  • Receipt of withholding information in a consistent and uniform format

The e-IWO process allows us to transmit IWOs to you electronically; and it allows you to electronically acknowledge whether you accept or reject the IWO. For example, you can use the acknowledgment to notify us that an employee no longer works for you.

For more information about the e-IWO project, visit Employers Service e-IWO on the OCSE website.

For registration information, please contact the e-IWO Team at eiwomail@acf.hhs.gov to register for e-IWO.

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