I have an upcoming court date, but I cannot make it. What should I do?

I have an upcoming court date, but I cannot make it. What should I do?

I have an upcoming court date, but I cannot make it. What should I do? 150 150 Child Support Services

Generally, you or your attorney must appear on the court date. You can request a continuance (that the date be rescheduled), but there is no guarantee that the judicial officer will grant your request for a continuance. You can contact our Customer Contact Center at (866) 901-3212 to ask that a Child Support Services Department attorney request a continuance on your behalf or you can call the court clerk in the courtroom where your case is assigned. You can the find the courtroom on your court paperwork.


Telephone Number


(213) 351-8715


(213) 351-8875


(213) 351-8864


(213) 351-8161

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