Upcoming Court Date?

Upcoming Court Date?

Upcoming Court Date? 1024 293 Child Support Services

Effective September 1, 2022, the IV-D courts will begin using LACourtConnect (LACC), the court’s free remote appearance technology, to coordinate remote appearances for court hearings. Through LACC, case participants and their attorneys will now have the option to appear remotely by video conference, in addition to appearing telephonically.

How to proceed once your remote appearance has been approved:

On the actual court date, you must log onto LACourtConnect for your remote appearance. The actual appearance will be done on the LACourtConnect system.

Also, if you have technical issues with LACourtConnect, you can call the court’s LACC helpdesk at 213-830-0400.

If you have questions about whether the request for a remote appearance has been approved, you can call the court as that is a decision the court makes.

The Los Angeles County Superior Court is open by appointment only for filings and for scheduled hearings. Many court hearings are being continued due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  You will receive written notice from us telling you when your court date is scheduled. You may also call our Customer Contact Center at 1(866)901-3212 for information about your court date.

What has changed?

  • If you have a fever or are experiencing flu-like symptoms,  you should not come to court
  • You are encouraged to wear a face covering while in the building
  • Social distancing is encouraged while in the building
  • There are three different court hearing times – 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. The time of your hearing is listed on the court documents you received.  Please arrive no later than the scheduled time and check in with the bailiff in the courtroom immediately upon your arrival.  We strongly encourage you to appear by telephone for your hearing and remote appearances.  For more information, click the following links:
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